How to place an order

NGI services include both genotyping and sequencing for a variety of different applications on a range of instruments. You can read more about the different services under Sequencing by Illumina, Sequencing by PacBio and IonTorrent, and SNP-Genotyping.

**To place an order, you must have an account in this portal. **If you do not have one, please apply using the "Create new account" link on the startpage.

No commitment is made by you until you have a signed agreement with any of the NGI nodes.

How to place an order

  1. Start by choosing appropriate form at the NGI startpage, depending on whether you need sequencing or genotyping . If you are unsure which method to choose you can either contact us (see contact information) or use the form "Request a meeting". For more complex projects and research questions we always recommend a planning meeting, either in person or through skype or videoconferences. The planning meeting is free of charge and is not binding.
  2. Provide a project title.
  3. Fill in the form with contact information, invoice information, and as much information as possible about your project. Questions marked with an asterisk are mandatory. It is possible to save incomplete orders but the order cannot be submitted until all mandatory fields are completed.
  4. After clicking “save and view” you will be able to read through your project application and attach files. You may then edit, delete or submit your project order (green button in the top right corner).

You can always see and access your orders through the page "My orders" but once submitted you can no longer edit your order.

An order is NOT processed by NGI until you have submitted it!

Important note for EU/FP7-funded projects: Due to the audit rules for subcontracting, please indicate if your project is funded by EU/FP7 in the field named "Source of funding for the project". This allows us to collect necessary information pro-actively.

What happens after I submit a project order?

After your order is submitted, NGI will assess it and perform an internal review of the technical feasibility. For projects that require more than 5% of the total sequencing capacity of NGI, an external review will be performed prior to project start. This only applies to very large projects and you will be notified if your order is affected.

Once an order has been accepted by NGI you will be notified by the project coordinator from the assigned NGI facility and be given a project ID. If needed, a project meeting will be scheduled and an agreement will be prepared by NGI based on your order information. No commitment is made by you until you have signed the agreement.

Note: You will not be able to hand in samples to NGI until your project is accepted and an agreement is signed. For more information about sample delivery, please visit the page Sample submission.

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