This portal is for submitting orders for services provided by the National Genomics Infrastructure Sweden (NGI). To place an order, log in with your user credentials, choose the application most suitable for your project, and fill in the required details.
While we do accept projects from other countries, we prioritise projects from Sweden-based researchers, and this is largely dependent on our current queues. NGI reserves the right to decline external i.e. non-Sweden based projects.
Order form for Illumina sequencing, including library preparation for Spatial Gene Expression analysis (10X Genomics). For Single-cell projects, please use the " Single-cell library preparation and sequencing" order form.
Order form for single cell library preparation and sequencing. Use this form ONLY when NGI will do library preparation directly from single cells or nuclei.
---> if you have made your own libraries please use the regular Illumina form.
Order form for PacBio sequencing. This is available only at the NGI Uppsala UGC node.
Order form for ONT PromethION.
Order form for genotyping and DNA methylation analysis using the Illumina EPIC beadchip.
Request form for extraction of HMW-DNA for long-read sequencing at NGI only, as well as optical mapping (BioNano) performed elsewhere. Available at the NGI-Uppsala node.
Order form for de novo reference genome sequencing using multiple technologies, DNA extraction and RNA-seq for annotation purposes within the same project.
NGI Sweden is hosted by Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab). See the NGI web site for more information.
NGI includes facilities established by profs Ulf Gyllensten (Uppsala), Ann-Christine Syvänen (Uppsala) and Joakim Lundeberg (Stockholm). The National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) was launched January 1st 2013. It originates from the VR RFI infrastructure SNISS.
NGI is supported by SciLifeLab, the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR) and host universities (KI, KTH, SU, UU). In addition, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) has provided funding for instruments and computational infrastructure.