Register new account

In order to place orders, you must have registered an account in this system. Register here. Your email address is the account name in this portal.

The administrator of the portal will review your account details. If everything seems fine the account will be enabled.

You will receive an email with a link to a page for setting the password when the account is enabled.

The personal data you provide in this registration form will be used by NGI for the following purposes:

  • Register and contact you about submitted information.
  • Information purposes, for example sending you information on NGI activities, like call for proposals and seminars.
  • Carry out administrative tasks, for example evaluate your submitted information, allow the compilation and analysis of submitted information for internal purposes, and invoicing.
  • We will report information containing your personal data to our funders, such as Scilifelab and Vetenskapsrådet.

The storage time for your personal data is (will be) available at the NGI Order Portal, but no data will be stored for a period longer than 10 years.

The information you provide will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.

All your personal data in this portal will be reachable via links from this page and the pages for all your orders (see below at the bottom of the page). The logs for your account and orders contains a record of all changes to those items. For further information regarding your personal data at the different NGI nodes, please contact us.

Complaints related to our handling of your personal data may be submitted to Datainspektionen.

By submitting you acknowledge that you have read and understood the foregoing and consent to the uses of your information as set out above.

NOTE: Required!
Your email address is your account name in this portal. It cannot be changed once set. Use your institutional email address, rather than your personal Google, Yahoo or similar address.
NOTE: Required!
NOTE: Required!
NOTE: Required!
Main affiliation: University, college, company, organization, or similar.
University department, company section, group, or similar.
Persistent digital identifier for researchers. See the ORCID website.
Information required by our funders for reporting purposes.
Postal address for delivery of paper documents, returned samples, etc.
University, college, company, organization, or similar. If empty, the value from the university field above will be used.
University department, company section, group, or similar. If empty, the value from the department field above will be used.
Street, number, post box, building, etc.
Postal code.
Invoice reference and address.
Invoice reference code required on your invoices for your accounting. Some services may be free of charge.
Invoice VAT number for your university/company/organization.
University, college, company, organization, or similar. If empty, the value from the university field above will be used.
University department, company section, group, or similar.
If empty, the value from the department field above will be used.
Street, number, post box, building, etc.
Postal code.
One or more telephone numbers, one per line.

Privacy policy (GDPR)

The personal data you provide in this registration form is to enable SciLifeLab to: register and contact you about submitted information; carry out administrative tasks and evaluate your submitted information; and allow the compilation and analysis of submitted information for internal purposes.

The information you provide will be processed in accordance with the Swedish law implementing the EU GDPR directive for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.

By registering your account, you have acknowledged that you have read and understood the foregoing and consent to the uses of your information as set out above.

All your personal data is reachable via links from this page and the pages for all your orders (link below). The logs for your account and orders contains the records of all changes to those items.

No session cookie is used for anonymous users.
OrderPortal 11.4.2