New sequencing system
The NovaSeq6000 sequencing system (Illumina Inc.) is now installed at the NGI facilities in Uppsala and Stockholm.
The NovaSeq, launched by Illumina early 2017, offers high-throughput sequencing across the full range of DNA- and RNA-sequencing applications including transcriptome profiling, target re-sequencing, low coverage genome sequencing and single cell applications. By acquiring the NovaSeq6000 NGI will continue to offer the most cost efficient sequencing service to our users. Whole genome sequencing at a coverage of at least 15x will continue to be run on HiSeqX as the most cost efficient approach. During the summer and beginning of the fall, the NovaSeq systems will be validated and NGI aims to accept projects from users from September 2017. Projects already submitted and scheduled for HiSeq2500 may be transferred to the NovaSeq, in those cases the NGI project coordinators will contact the user for a discussion. You can read more about the NovaSeq system at the Illumina website.
Last Updated: 5th May 2020