Price examples

The examples on this page are approximate prices, and are shown here to provide a rough estimate of how much your project will cost. For more detailed information or to request a quote, please contact us.

Our “best practice” bioinformatics package which may be included in some of our services (e.g. RNA-seq, resequencing and de novo assembly) is free of charge. We also do not charge for project planning or follow-up meetings with NGI representatives.

NGI provides very generous pricing for Swedish academia. Instrument depreciations, part of instrument service, rent and labour costs are sponsored by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and SciLifeLab. Academic institutions outside of Sweden and users from industry pay the full cost (please contact us for a full-cost price quote). The price estimates on this page are valid only for Swedish academia.

Other methods (e.g. non-validated library preparation types) are available. Please contact us for further information.

Last Updated: 16th May 2024