The examples on this page are approximate prices, and are shown here to provide a rough estimate of how much your project will cost. For more detailed information or to request a quote, please contact us.
Our “best practice” bioinformatics package which may be included in some of our services (e.g. RNA-seq, resequencing and de novo assembly) is free of charge. We also do not charge for project planning or follow-up meetings with NGI representatives.
NGI provides very generous pricing for Swedish academia. Instrument depreciations, part of instrument service, rent and labour costs are sponsored by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and SciLifeLab. Academic institutions outside of Sweden and users from industry pay the full cost (please contact us for a full-cost price quote). The price estimates on this page are valid only for Swedish academia.
Other methods (e.g. non-validated library preparation types) are available. Please contact us for further information.
Library preparation for RNA-seq
Please note that these prices do not include the cost of sequencing.
Please note that the RiboZero and SMARTer Pico library preparation methods are only available for certain species, contact us if your samples are from non-mammalian sources.
Library preparations for DNA
Please note that these prices do not include the cost of sequencing.
Please note that the Illumina DNA noQC and RADseq preps are only run in full plates (94 samples).
Cost of standard RNA-seq
The total cost for library preparation and sequencing depends on the number of samples and the sequencing depth. A general setup, with e.g. 24-96 samples and ~25-50 million read-pairs/sample, will likely cost approx 2000-3000 SEK/sample (incl. library preparation and sequencing on Illumina NovaSeq):
– Library preparation using the Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit: 96 x ~1 400SEK = ~134 400 SEK
– Sequencing on 1 lane of an Illumina NovaSeq 25B-300 flowcell will generate ~3 billion read-pairs in total, approximately 25 million read-pairs/sample: 33 000 SEK
→ Total cost 167 400 SEK, approximately 2 000 SEK/sample.
Cost for whole-genome re-sequencing (WGS, human genome)
The cost for library preparation and sequencing of a human (or similar size) DNA sample prepared by NGI using the Illumina TruSeq DNA PCR-free library prep kit and sequencing on Illumina NovaSeq 25B-300 (2×150 bp) to approximately 30x coverage is approx. 6000 SEK total/sample. Price includes best-practice bioinformatics analysis (currently only available for human genome).
Cost of OmniC
The current cost of one Illumina-compatible OmniC library is approx. 8000 SEK/sample. These libraries are typically sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq 25B-300 (2×150 bp), but the amount of sequencing that is needed will depend on if the data should be used for e.g. TAD analysis, or scaffolding/polishing of a de novo assembly. A typical setup for assembly scaffolding is approx. 200M reads per 1Gb genome. The total cost of OmniC on one sample is approx. 16 000 SEK (library preparation and sequencing), the cost for two samples likely approx. 25 000 SEK. Price includes a no-guarantees draft scaffolding of an existing assembly.
Please contact us if you need help calculating cost and sequencing requirements for other coverages or genome sizes.
Cost for Spatial Transcriptomics 10X Visium
The cost to perform a Visium experiment on four Fresh Frozen 6x6mm tissue samples, including an optimisation slide, is approx. 86 000 SEK. Sequencing is usually performed on one lane of an Illumina NovaSeq X Plus 10B-300 flowcell (28-10-10-90) and the cost is approx. 20 000 SEK. The total cost for analysing 4 tissue sections is approx. 106 000 SEK.
The cost to perform one Visium experiments on FF or FFPE samples using the probe-based approach in CytAssist is approx. 95 000 SEK for four 6x6mm tissue samples or 98 000 SEK for two 11x11mm tissue samples. Sequencing is usually performed on one lane of an Illumina NovaSeq X Plus 10B-300 flowcell (28-10-10-50) and the cost is approx. 20 000 SEK. The total cost is 115 000 to 118 000 SEK, depending on the number and size of the samples.
Summary of sequence output and cost
The numbers presented in the table below reflect an average yield based on our observations across projects. The actual yield for different libraries can vary based on library type, concentration of the pool that was loaded on the sequencer, fragment distribution, colour balance of indices, % PhiX spike-in, etc. Please consult with a Project Coordinator for guidance.
Single-lane orders
For NovaSeq X Plus, you can buy single lanes from the 10B-300 and 25B-300 flowcells. This applies only for PE 2x150bp reads, without custom primers. We sell partial lanes for 25B-300 only if libraries are prepared by NGI (Stockholm node only).
Please consult with a Project Coordinator if you have any questions about this.
(Prices as of 2025-02-01)
One PacBio Revio cell can produce up to 90 Gb of unique HiFi bases. However, the amount of data produced by the instrument is dependent almost entirely on the DNA quality. The purer and more intact DNA is, the more sequencing data one can get per sequencing unit.
Sequencing price:
On PromethION, the amount of data depends on several factors. The main factor is the molecule length. If you opt for sequencing as long reads as possible (up to 1 Mb), the device will rarely produce more than 20 Gb of data.
If you need to get very high throughput, cost-efficient runs, the DNA must be shared to 20 kb, and 50-100 Gb output can be expected.
If one can tolerate slightly lower throughput but want to prioritize longer reads, un-sheared DNA or a sample enriched for DNA molecules in the 75-150kb size range can be used to obtain long- to ultra-long reads, the latter being hundreds of kb up to approximately a million bases long. The human Y-chromosome has been completely assembled from telomere to telomere, a feat not possible without using ultra-long reads.
Sequencing price:
1 ONT library costs c:a 2.5 kSEK
One library is enough for one flow cell only.
Please contact us for detailed information or to request a quote.
The cost for genotyping or array-based methylation profiling varies according to the application and the number of samples.
Please contact us for detailed information on the different arrays or to request a quote.
Last Updated: 10th February 2025