Dovetail Genomics Webinar Series
Join us for a webinar series hosted by NGI in collaboration with Dovetail Genomics and SciLifeLab on October 7th – October 9th
Omni-C: Restriction-enzyme free Hi-C in Genome Assembly and Comparative Genomics
By Kai Kleiber, Ph.D. (Scientific Affairs at Dovetail) on 2020-10-07, 15.00 CEST
Restriction Enzyme (RE)-based Hi-C is blind to approximately 20% of mappable genomes due to low RE site density. Here we introduce Omni-C™ technology, a sequence-independent endonuclease-based proximity-ligation assay that addresses the limitations of RE-based Hi-C approaches.
This Seminar will highlight that Omni-C™ libraries uniquely contain proximity-ligation characteristics with the advantage of uniform genome-wide coverage. This expanded data type enables not only improved Genome Assemblies but also applications relying on coverage uniformity, such as Structural Variation detection, SNP calling, and phasing.
Registration: Slack Channel or Google Forms
Micro-C and HiChIP: Using MNase for chromatin conformation capture at the nucleosome level
By Cory Padilla, Ph.D. (Scientific Affairs at Dovetail) on 2020-10-08, 15.00 CEST
The discovery of chromatin capture methods, such as Hi-C, has enabled the study of chromatin conformation and its role in gene regulation. However widespread use of restriction enzymes for chromatin fragmentation limits assay functional resolution and ultimately the types of features that can be visualized in the contact matrix.
The use of Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) to digest chromatin in a Hi-C assay, termed Micro-C, overcomes this barrier by enriching for uniform nucleosome-sized fragments. The resulting data increases assay performance and efficiency, enabling detection of and reducing the sequencing burden required for the detection of higher resolution and existing chromatin features respectively.
In our webinar, we will discuss Micro-C’s ability to capture, Enhancer-Promoter, Promoter-Promoter, and loop extrusion features that are missed with standard Hi-C approaches. By preserving the large-scale chromatin features such as A/B compartments, TADs, and CTCF mediated loops while enabling the description of chromatin at sub-TAD scales, Micro-C provides, a new ultra-resolution view of chromatin biology emerges.
Registration: Slack Channel or Google Forms
Open Source Tools for Proximity-ligated datasets
By Jay Ghurye, Ph.D. (Dovetail’s informatics specialist) on 2020-10-09, 14.00 CEST
The Salsa2 co-author will be providing an overview of data analysis pipelines and open-source bioinformatics software tools for Hi-C and Micro-C data analysis in the areas of genome assembly and epigenetics.
- Visualizing Hi-C data
- Loop Calling
- Phasing
- Genome Assembly
- Compartment/TAD calling
- Structural Variation
- Genotyping
- HiChIP and Capture-C
Registration: Slack Channel or Google Forms