Long-Read Sequencing Meeting 2019
Save the date: April 3 – 4, 2019. Venue: BMC, Uppsala
Long-read technologies (PacBio, 10x Genomics and Oxford Nanopore) become more and more popular in modern genomics due to their ability to resolve structural re-arrangements, copy number variations, repeat expansions, phase genomes, etc. These technologies have revolutionized the field of de novo genome sequencing and lead to the discovery of previously unknown genomic sequences that could not be previously sequenced by the short-read technologies. Other important applications are the whole-length transcript- and direct RNA sequencing that allows unprecedented precision in studies of alternative splicing (PacBio), RNA base modifications (Oxford Nanopore) and single-cell RNA sequencing (10x Genomics).
Day 1: Scientific symposium, covering an introduction to technologies and latest developments, applications in human genomics and in de novo studies.
Day 2: Application workshops focusing on data analysis within two major applications: de novo assembly and structural variants.
Download the preliminary program here
Olga Vinnere Pettersson, UGC; NGI-Uppsala, project coordinator as well as the contact person.
Adam Ameur, UGC; NGI-Uppsala
Ulrika Liljedahl, SNP&SEQ Technology platform, NGI-Uppsala
To register for the event, please visit the homepage goo.gl/N97Ctc.
Alternatively, please fill out the registration form that can be found at https://goo.gl/forms/MB2SljINsb04c8Uu1