Data & Methodology Publication – Genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic sequencing data of the B-cell leukemia cell line REH

Open-source genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic data sets (raw sequencing reads as well as assemblies and mapped BAM files) for a leukemic cell line (REH), available to the research community.

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The aim of this data paper is to describe a collection of 33 genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic sequencing datasets of the B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell line REH. REH is one of the most frequently used cell lines for functional studies of pediatric ALL, and these data provide a multi-faceted characterization of its molecular features. The datasets described herein, generated with short- and long-read sequencing technologies, can both provide insights into the complex aberrant karyotype of REH, and be used as reference datasets for sequencing data quality assessment or for methods development.

Last Updated: 29th January 2025