In order to track the impact of the work we do at the NGI, we try to track publications that result from projects with our users in the SciLifeLab publications database. You can see some recent highlights below.
The 10 most recent collaborative publications from the NGI:
NGI CollaborationMol. Ecol., 1365-294X (2024)
NGI CollaborationSci Data, 11 (1) 2052-4463 (2024)
NGI CollaborationSci Adv, 10 (33) 2375-2548 (2024)
NGI CollaborationNat Commun, 15 (1) 2041-1723 (2024)
NGI CollaborationMol. Biol. Evol., 41 (5) 1537-1719 (2024)
NGI CollaborationSci Rep, 14 (1) 2045-2322 (2024)
NGI CollaborationSci Adv, 10 (14) 2375-2548 (2024)
NGI CollaborationGenome Biol Evol, 16 (2) 1759-6653 (2024)
NGI CollaborationG3 (Bethesda), 2160-1836 (2023)
NGI CollaborationPlant J., 1365-313X (2023)
Here you can see the 10 most recent publications supported by the NGI:
Ambio, 53 (11) 1654-7209 (2024)
Life Sci. Alliance, 7 (11) 2575-1077 (2024)
Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 47 (6) 1618-0984 (2024)
Nat Commun, 15 (1) 2041-1723 (2024)
Nat Commun, 15 (1) 2041-1723 (2024)
Nucleic Acids Res., 52 (19) 1362-4962 (2024)
Syst. Biol., 1076-836X (2024)
J Hepatol, 1600-0641 (2024)
Chemosphere, 1879-1298 (2024)
BMC Genomics, 25 (1) 1471-2164 (2024)
Last Updated: 7th September 2022