22nd January 2020 - Categories: Updates
NGI is happy to invite you to a half day seminar on February 5th to learn more about PacBio’s new Sequel II system! The event is scheduled between 9-13 in Navet, BMC, Uppsala, and lunch will be served to registered participants. Also, there will be a PacBio sponsored lottery with the possibility to win free […]
4th December 2019 - Categories: Updates
The NGI order portal will be available as usual during the Christmas holidays. Please note the following dates for project handling and sample delivery: Thursday 12th December: orders submitted on or before this date will be processed before the holidays. Any order submitted after this date will be processed after the holidays. Tuesday 17th (UGC) […]
7th November 2019 - Categories: Updates
Join us for an informative meeting about Mission Bio’s single-cell DNA sequencing platform and Q&A session at BMC, SciLifeLab Uppsala, on Monday November 18th.Find more information in the flyer below and registration via the following LINK Welcome!
18th October 2019 - Categories: Updates
The National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) is now opening up requests for pilot projects within the new application Spatial Transcriptomics. We will offer spatially resolved RNA-seq analyses using the 10X Visium spatial gene expression assay. At the moment we can only support polyadenylated RNA. If you are interested in the technology and want to know more, […]
9th October 2019 - Categories: Updates
The National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) will visit Gothenburg (Oct 15th) and Lund & Alnarp (Oct 16th) together with NBIS to present our service portfolios, and we hope to meet both current and future users. Please have a look at the tour’s homepage (https://sites.google.com/scilifelab.se/ngi/events) for information about the venues and the programme. If you want to […]
5th March 2019 - Categories: Updates
Welcome to a free drop-in session to discuss your plans and study design with us at your local university before submitting your VR application! Meet our bioinformatics experts and sequencing coordinators to discuss new technology updates, input on your study design, opportunities for bioinformatics support, and guidance on the new data management plans.
21st December 2018 - Categories: Updates
In the upcoming months NGI is planning to phase out both the HiSeq 2500 and HiSeq X instruments and moving all sequencing to the NovaSeq platform. This means there will be some changes in our pricing and order model and we will keep you updated. Meanwhile, if you have any questions of how this will […]
17th September 2018 - Categories: Updates
Date: September 25th, 9-11 in Gamma 2 lunchroom, SciLifeLab Solna. Talks from IDT, Illumina, and SciLifeLab staff. Coffee and breakfast provided. Topics include: Pricing updates at NGI, project pooling policies, choosing indexes for large flow cells, and avoiding index hopping. You will also have the chance to talk to representatives from IDT and Illumina, as well as meeting […]
31st May 2018 - Categories: Updates
Date: June 11, 10.30-11.30 in Trippelrummet, Navet, SciLifeLab Uppsala and online Title: Genome sequencing of 15,000 healthy elderly Australians: implications for clinical genetics Speaker: Dr. Paul Lacaze, Head of the Public Health Genomics Program, Monash University, Melbourne Australia The ASPREE Healthy Ageing Biobank contains ~15,000 consented samples from individuals aged 70 years or older participating in the ASPirin in Reducing […]
21st February 2018 - Categories: Updates
Are you interested in learning more about the Chromium System and Linked-Read Sequencing? 10X Genomics is organizing a User Group meeting at BMC, Uppsala on April 11-12, 2018. This will be a highly informative, action-packed event including both 10x and customer speakers, software demos, poster sessions, and evening dinner/entertainment. At the user meeting you will also […]