Associated Keywords: nanopore

HLA Typing with Nanopore Sequencing

The complexity and polymorphic nature of the 4 Mb region makes it challenging to resolve using short-read sequencing technology. Nanopore (ONT) sequencing, can provide long reads that overcome these challenges, enabling the identification of variants that could represent new biomarkers, unambiguous haplotype phasing of single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), and the potential for increased accuracy of HLA typing at a higher resolution.

Nanopore cDNA sequencing

Nanopore cDNA sequencing is able to sequence entire transcripts in one go, ideal for detecting isoforms and fusions events.

Nanopore DNA sequencing

Nanopore instruments can sequence very long continuous fragments of DNA. Sequencing native DNA allows detection of base modifications.

Nanopore Direct RNA sequencing

Nanopore direct RNA sequencing is able to sequence entire transcripts from native RNA, opening up opportunities to detect RNA modifications.

Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Oxford Nanopore sequencers perform single-molecule long read sequencing of DNA and RNA

Nanopore analysis

Quality control, Basecalling and multiplexing of sequencing reads generated by Oxford Nanopore sequencers.