
[Closed] Vacancies: 2 Bioinformaticians at NGI Uppsala

11th April 2018  -  Categories: Careers

Do you want to work in one of the world’s fastest growing technology areas? NGI Uppsala (the SNP&SEQ Technology Platform)are currently looking for two bioinformaticians responsible for managing and analyzing the sequence data produced by the platform, as well as the development and maintenance of pipelines for data analysis. Read more and apply at UU website.

2018 10x Genomics User Group Meeting in Uppsala

21st February 2018  -  Categories: Updates

Are you interested in learning more about the Chromium System and Linked-Read Sequencing? 10X Genomics is organizing a User Group meeting at BMC, Uppsala on April 11-12, 2018. This will be a highly informative, action-packed event including both 10x and customer speakers, software demos, poster sessions, and evening dinner/entertainment. At the user meeting you will also […]

Improving accessibility to data deliveries

12th February 2018  -  Categories: Updates

Now we have improved the accessibility to the delivered data! By default, the bioinformatic contact person appointed by the PI on the sequencing or genotyping order will now have access to the delivered data, in addition to the PI. Previously, the PI was the only person with access to the data and he or she […]

33 million SEK to support and advance large-scale genomic research in Sweden

5th December 2017  -  Categories: Updates

The SciLifeLab Board has announced its decision on funding 14 projects within the SciLifeLab National Sequencing Projects initiative. The aim of the initiative is to support and advance large-scale genomic research in Sweden within both health and biodiversity by providing sequencing support to scientists through open calls. Thereby supporting them in carrying out competitive international research. […]

The first map of genetic variation in Sweden

20th October 2017  -  Categories: Updates

The first map of genetic variation in Sweden has now been presented. The results are based on whole genome DNA sequencing of 1 000 individuals, selected to cover the variation in the whole country. Thanks to this Sweden now has a national resource, which will facilitate research and diagnostics of genetic diseases. Project leader is […]

Data & Methodology Publication – SweGen: a whole-genome data resource of genetic variability in a cross-section of the Swedish population

23rd August 2017  -  Categories: Research & Development

SweGen: generating a comprehensive data resource for population-based genetic variants that describes the landscape of genetic variation in the Swedish population

New sequencing system

12th July 2017  -  Categories: Updates

The NovaSeq6000 sequencing system (Illumina Inc.) is now installed at the NGI facilities in Uppsala and Stockholm.

New data delivery system

21st June 2017  -  Categories: Updates

In mid-June, NGI will start introducing a new, secure system for delivering sequence and genotype data to users. With this new system, once your project is ready, you will be given access to a secure delivery server where your data will be available for download for a limited period of time. For more information, please […]

Data & Methodology Publication – Cluster Flow: A user-friendly bioinformatics workflow tool

2nd May 2017  -  Categories: Research & Development

Cluster Flow: a simple and flexible bioinformatics pipeline tool designed for quick and user-friendly installation, offers next-generation sequencing data analysis with pre-configured modules and pipelines for common bioinformatics tasks.

SciLifeLab offers funding for national genomics studies

26th April 2017  -  Categories: Updates

SciLifeLab welcomes applications for Swedish research projects based on next generation DNA sequencing. In total, this third call will provide 30 million SEK in support for sequence analysis of unique and well-characterized sample collections to study either the genetic basis of disease or environmental effects on biodiversity. Please go to this link for further instructions on how […]