
Exciting news!

23rd February 2024  -  Categories: Updates

We're thrilled to announce that we have now transitioned to exclusively using the data delivery system Data Delivery System (DDS) for all our data deliveries. Starting today, DDS will be our default system, streamlining our processes and enhancing our service.

[Closed] NGI is looking for a Research Infrastructure Specialist

18th January 2024  -  Categories: Careers

The single cell team, part of the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI), is looking for a highly qualified Research Infrastructure Specialist.


6th November 2023  -  Categories: Updates

Since November 1 we've been experiencing technical issues with the NGI order page. There is a major service disruption affecting several IT-systems hosted by the SciLifeLab Data Centre and they are currently working on solving the problem. We're really sorry for any trouble this may cause you!

Limited Capacity over the Winter Holidays 2023-2024

30th October 2023  -  Categories: Updates

NGIs operating capacity will be limited from December 18, 2023, to January 5, 2024. All services will resume as usual starting Monday, January 8, 2024. Sample deliveries:The last date for receiving samples before this period is December 15. We will not accept sample deliveries after this date unless explicitly agreed upon in beforehand. Note! To ensure […]

Data & Methodology Publication – Genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic sequencing data of the B-cell leukemia cell line REH

10th October 2023  -  Categories: Research & Development

Open-source genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic data sets (raw sequencing reads as well as assemblies and mapped BAM files) for a leukemic cell line (REH), available to the research community.

Data & Methodology Publication – Long-read whole-genome analysis of human single cells

24th August 2023  -  Categories: Research & Development

Showing the promise of long-read sequencing toward characterization of the full spectrum of genetic variation in single cells.

[Closed] NGI is looking for two research engineers

21st August 2023  -  Categories: Careers

We are looking for research engineers to join our team at NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform).

[Closed] NGI is looking for a bioinformatician

26th May 2023  -  Categories: Careers

We are looking for a bioinformatician to join the Production team in Stockholm

NGI involved in a major international research project (the Zoonomia project), resulting in 11 Science articles!

7th May 2023  -  Categories: Updates

NGI is proud to have contributed to sequencing 68 mammalian genomes in the Zoonomia project. The project headed by Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, SciLifeLab researcher and Professor of Comparative Genomics at Uppsala University, was a collaboration between Uppsala University and the Broad Institute, involving more than 30 research groups.   The results, now published in 11 articles […]

Long-read sequencing elected Method of the Year 2022!

19th January 2023  -  Categories: Updates

NGI proudly offers long-read sequencing technologies using PacBio Sequel II/e and Oxford Nanopore PromethION, one of the sequencing techniques recently nominated as Method of the Year by Nature Methods. If you are interested in the long-read sequencing technologies, please contact us or send an email to