This protocol is available at NGI Stockholm.
The complexity and polymorphic nature of the 4 Mb region makes it challenging to resolve using short-read sequencing technology. Nanopore (ONT) sequencing, can provide long reads that overcome these challenges, enabling the identification of variants that could represent new biomarkers, unambiguous haplotype phasing of single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), and the potential for increased accuracy of HLA typing at a higher resolution.
library preparation nanoporeProfiling of gene expression levels at single-cell resolution.
single-cell library preparation transcriptomics single cell illumina rnaseq smartseq3 SS3We now offer high resolution spatially resolved transcriptomics through the 10X Genomics Visium HD CytAssist, which combines histology with probe-based transcriptomics in HD spatial context
transcriptomics RNA illumina spatialWe now offer spatially resolved transcriptomics through the 10X Genomics Visium CytAssist, which combines histology with probe-based transcriptomics in a spatial context.
transcriptomics RNA illumina spatialWe now offer spatially resolved transcriptomics through the 10X Genomics Visium CytAssist, which combines histology with probe-based transcriptomics in a spatial context.
spatial transcriptomics RNA illuminaWe offer spatial transcriptomics through the 10X Genomics Visium method. The method combines histology with unbiased transcriptomics in a spatial context.
illumina spatial transcriptomics RNASingle-cell profiling of gene expression levels on a large number of cells.
transcriptomics single cell RNA mRNA illumina RNA-Seq scale library preparationA method to identify open chromatin regions, such as promotor areas, using a transposase.
epigenetics illumina ATACseq ATAC-seq Omni-ATAC TN5 ATAC open chromatinA new player in the field of short-read sequencing.
aviti element biosciences cloudbreak short-reads