RNA sequencing of mRNAs selected through poly-A enrichment.
transcriptomics RNA truseq mRNA illumina RNA-Seq library preparationRNA sequencing of either all RNAs in a sample, or of a RNA sample depleted of for example rRNA by the user.
library preparation RNA truseq illumina rnaseq RNA-SeqTotal RNA sequencing based on reduced rRNA content and other type of highly abundant RNAs in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic samples.
library preparation transcriptomics RNA mRNA illumina RNA-SeqProfiling of 3´gene expression and chromatin accessibility in the same cell.
illumina ATAC-seq RNA-Seq ATAC chromium library preparation 10x Genomics transcriptomics single cell RNA mRNAProfiling of gene expression levels at single-cell resolution.
10x Genomics library preparation transcriptomics single cell RNA mRNA illumina RNA-Seq chromiumSingle-cell profiling of gene expression levels on a large number of cells.
library preparation transcriptomics single cell RNA mRNA illumina RNA-Seq parseSingle-cell profiling of gene expression levels on fixed cells.
transcriptomics single cell RNA mRNA illumina RNA-Seq chromium 10x Genomics fixed cells library preparationSimultaneous analysis of gene expression and immunoprofiling of V(D)J clonotypes in the same single cell.
library preparation single cell RNA illumina RNA-Seq chromium 10x GenomicsThe Takara SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-Seq Kit v3 - Pico Input Mammalian kit is specifically designed for very low input total RNA samples. It also works with degraded total RNA.
library preparation transcriptomics RNA illumina rnaseq RNA-Seq depletionRuns with illumina total RNA-sequencing data. Aligns to the reference genome, gives QC metrics and finishes with gene count matrices.
RNA-Seq transcriptomics rnaseq