24th November 2021 - Categories: Careers
We are looking for a temporary (one year) research engineer to join our team at NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform).
20th September 2021 - Categories: Careers
Are you interested in developing solutions to optimize the flow of large-scale genotyping and sequencing data from our instruments to researchers? We are now recruiting two new members to join our team at NGI Uppsala (SNP&SEQ Technology Platform).
10th September 2021 - Categories: Updates
NGI contributes to SEQC2 initiative through ongoing participation in EATRIS-ERIC.
7th July 2021 - Categories: Careers
Would you like to work in a field with rapid development in technologies and applications? We are now recruiting a new member to join our team of project coordinators at NGI Uppsala (the SNP&SEQ Technology platform)
4th May 2021 - Categories: Updates
NGI in collaboration with the SciLifeLab Affinity Proteomics Uppsala unit now offer protein biomarker analysis services using the Olink Explore assay.
22nd January 2021 - Categories: Updates
NGI in collaboration with Illumina are happy to announce a >30% price reduction for methylation profiling using the Illumina EPIC array in large-cohorts of ≥500 samples. For further information please contact: contact@genotyping.se