Low cost library preparation option for gDNA based on bead-linked transposase. Only for full plates of samples.
WGS dna nextera normalization library preparation genome illuminaMethod for shotgun DNA libraries used for whole genome sequencing and metagenomics.
WGS dna tagmentation PCR-free library preparation genome illuminaGold standard method for shotgun DNA libraries used for whole genome sequencing and metagenomics.
illumina WGS dna library preparation truseq genomeLibrary preparation from limited input DNA, used in whole genome sequencing and metagenomics etc.
illumina WGS dna library preparation truseq genomeLibrary preparation for DNA, ideal for preparing libraries from small amounts of input material. Works well for shotgun libraries, ChIP DNA and FFPE samples, amongst others.
genome illumina WGS dna library preparationRuns with illumina DNA-sequencing data, WGS or targeted sequencing e.g. WES. Aligns to the reference genome, gives QC metrics, does variant-calling and finishes with annotation.
cancer human data WES WGS sarek