5th November 2020 - Categories: Updates
The last day to submit samples before the holidays is Dec 18th 2020. Please note that you need to have a valid and signed agreement for your project to submit samples. For orders submitted before Dec 14th 2020 we will do our best to prepare a quote in time for you to submit samples before […]
5th November 2020 - Categories: Updates
In wake of the current health and safety requirements for our staff, we may face occasional delays in processing projects and ask you to bear with us during this time. Some of our key personnel – the people behind the NGI – have been ill or functioning as caregivers for those who are. However, we remain committed to […]
4th November 2020 - Categories: Careers
We are looking for a temporary (one year) bioinformatician / system developer.
4th September 2020 - Categories: Research & Development
Sarek: an open-source bioinformatic tool to detect germline variants and somatic mutations based on sequencing data from WGS, whole-exome sequencing (WES), or gene panels. Sarek offers easy, efficient, and reproducible analyses, and can readily be used both as a production workflow at sequencing facilities and as a powerful stand-alone tool for individual research groups.
17th August 2020 - Categories: Research & Development
Is total RNA fragmentation needed? Is rRNA depletion affected by fragmentation time? Or affected by input? Can we get reliable data when starting with low input?
7th July 2020 - Categories: Careers
Would you like to work in a dynamic and creative environment in one of the largest sequencing centres in Europe?
1st July 2020 - Categories: Updates
NGI has recently acquired the latest NextSeq 2000 instrument from Illumina. It is currently being installed at the Stockholm site and will shortly be available for our users.
10th June 2020 - Categories: Updates
The NGI order portal will remain open during the summer and users are welcome to submit their sequencing orders. Orders and email queries will be handled as soon as possible, likely with an increased turnaround time. It is of utmost importance that no samples be delivered or shipped to NGI without prior contact with a […]
27th May 2020 - Categories: Updates
The SciLifeLab National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) has been awarded the high profile “Essential Open Source Software for Science” grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The grant will be used to fund coordination and events for the Nextflow and nf-core projects.
18th May 2020 - Categories: Updates
As a part of the EASI Genomics network NGI will provide services for this COVID-19 call. Apply now!